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Master of Economics – Semester system


Department of Economics

PROGRAMME DURATION: 2 Years (6 -Semester)

PROGRAMME OUTCOME: The M.A. Semester programme in Economics is designed to incorporate the concepts related to the Principles of Economics, theories and an understanding of various economic forces. The programme will equip student with the economic facts, empirical understanding and also get required knowledge about latest in the field of economic policies, government plans and implementation of various developmental projects. The student when finishes the course will have comprehensive knowledge required for various competitive exams and form strong base for research.

YearSemesterPaper TitleProgramme Specific Outcome/Course Outcome
1st YearIstMicro Economics IStudents after finishing this course are expected to have comprehensive understanding of demand & supply, theory of cost, market etc. and develop analytical skills.
IstMacro Economics IAfter passing the course student is equipped with the skill of analyzing large aggregates. It provides empirical understanding of theoretical facts.
IstQuantitative MethodsThe student gets trained in the use of statistical analysis and can use these tools and techniques to understand economic problems.
IstLabour EconomicsStudent get well versed in labour theories, wage markets, collective bargaining, globalized economy and the problems and issues related to developing economy with special reference to India.
IIndMicro Economics IIThe paper equips students with the fair understanding of theories of distribution, welfare economics; general
equilibrium in closed &open systems etc. The student is able to analyze economic behaviour under uncertainty.
IIndMacro Economics IIThe student attains fair knowledge about monetary and banking operations and its correlation with globalized economy.
IIndEconomics of Growth & DevelopmentThe paper equips students with the fair understanding of theories & factors of Economic Growth and can use the knowledge to design and implement policies and plans.
IIndIndustrial Economics & Entrepreneurship.
The student gets thorough knowledge about the economics of Industry and debates related to industrial development of India.
2nd YearIIIrdPublic EconomicsThe student gets acquainted to various fiscal institutions and develops understanding how political processes operate in distribution of wealth and income.
IIIrdInternational EconomicsThe student when complete this course will have fair understanding how income, employment, social standards will impact the globalized world.
IIIrdFinancial Institutions & Markets.The student after reading this course will be able to have fair understanding of various financial institutions and markets and the interrelation between market forces and real forces.
IIIrdPower Point Presentation & Viva VoceThe use of this tool in presentation will equip students in their presentation skills and will be well versed in Microsoft office. This skill contributes in personality development of students.
IVthIndian EconomyThe student after studying this paper will be able to comprehend the complexities of Indian Economy and will be able to understand plans, policies, taxation and other economic factors.
IVthDemography The student after studying this course the student will be aware of importance of population in economic
development. The student is acquainted with quantitative and qualitative aspects of population.
IVthEnvironmental EconomicsThe course will enable students to apply economic theories in public policy and management of environment and social sectors. The student will be able to make use of welfare economics effectively.