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Department of English

Department Of English

Faculty of Arts (Literature & Humanities)

Programme Dration: 3 Years

Programme Outcome: The regular course of English for UG Arts student is a 3 year degree course. This Programme is designed in such a manner that the student gradually develops theunderstanding of the English literature. The student is enabled to learn and comprehend the vocabulary, genre, theme; style etc.The student during the programme is introduced to European, American and Indian History of Literature.

YearClassPage TitleProgramme Specific
Outcome/Course Outcome
IB.A1. English Phonetics and Grammar
2. Short Stories
The paper is designed in such a way that the student is introduced to the phonetics, grammar such that their sentence forming, its usage and understanding of words, their articulation and transmission. The paper is beneficial for students in developing strong writing and speaking skills.
IIB.A1.English Poetry
2.Indian Writing in English Prose and Poetry
The papers are designed to introduce the students’ to the English Poetry prevalent in different eras of English Literature. The student is introduced to the themes, poetic concerns, style
and consciousness of that era. Emphasis is also on the learning of Indian prose and poetry and the prevalent writing styles.
IIIB.A1. History of English Literature.
2.Indian Writing in English
The student is introduced to the History of English literature and Indian Writing in English. The learning of origin, genre and exploration of chronological sequence of English literature paves strong foundation for understanding and analyzing various writings.