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Welcome To Govt. PG College, NOIDA, a NAAC Accredited B+(2.61), Dept of Psychology 'Khushi Ki Pathshala for Mental Wellbeing, Eco Restoration Club GPGC Noida-'Go Green'. Resonance Yoga "नाद योग" Workshop, अटल इन्नोवेशन एंड इनक्यूबेशन सेंटर

Responsive Notice Board

The Principal’s Desk

Prof.(Dr.) Rajeev Kumar Gupta

Responsive Notice Card with Image

Important Notice

This is a brief description of the notice. Make sure to read the details and follow up as necessary.

The Principal’s Desk

Prof.(Dr.) Rajeev Kumar Gupta


राजकीय स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय नोएडा, गौतम बुद्ध नगर (उ.प्र)

Government Postgraduate College Noida, a NAAC Accredited B+ is a coeducational institute, which was established by the Uttar Pradesh Higher Education department, to impart higher education with minimum fee structure, predominantly to those young boys and girls who aspire for higher education but cannot afford due to their weak economic and social background. Genesis: Established in the year 1982, since then the Government Postgraduate College has been constantly growing in size and structure. Initially started with arts faculty, which had nine departments, grew with opening of bachelors programme in commerce, subsequently followed by the bachelors programme in science. There are undergraduate programmes running in all the faculties with eleven disciplines in arts, six disciplines in science, beside this commerce and economics have postgraduate programme.

